Sunday, August 26, 2012

First Day at Work

All of the new employees are very kind.  There are a few that I have clicked with, though a few are at the primary level.  So far I like the shop teacher the best.  He rocks.  Work was a whirl-wind of meetings and tours, and frankly just an overload of information.  I think I signed up for Qatar National Bank...I say think as I could not understand the English of the lady presenting the information...I'm guessing South African, but a very heavy accent and a soft voice.  So I just signed all of the spots that were highlighted, and turned it in.  We'll see what happens with that!

My office is nice...twice the size of my old one, but it definitely needs a bit of decorating.  After work, I had to find the vet's office to turn in documents and the driver totally scammed fault for telling him I was new.  I won't make that mistake again.

Well, tomorrow will come before I know it.  At least we get to start at 8:30 this week instead of 7:00.  

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