Monday, September 3, 2012

Emergency Room Visit

Well, I did not imagine that I would require the services of a hospital quite yet, but then, you never know what life may throw you.  Sergey was vomiting and running a 104 fever yesterday, which I was only able to get down a couple of degrees.  Sickness (enough said) and 104 plus shaking, etc. greeted me this morning.  (I woke him up twice in the middle of the night, and it was 102)  So...I called my supervisor for advice, and she said it was necessary to go right to hospital (British leave out "the").  A co-worker was here within 10 minutes, and off we went, bucket in hand.  They were very nice...a few issues, in that Sergey is considered an adult meaning that he can't sit in the same waiting room, as they are segregated.  I'll leave the details to your imagination, and yes, it was pretty disgusting, frankly, but we left 3 hours later, armed with 3 medications.  (Sergey's sickness, not the hospital)  He was also given IV fluids for dehydration, an injection for fever??, and blood work.  It's a bad virus, but the doctor gave us antibiotics???  The poor kid was so sick that we had to throw out his clothes and he left the hospital in a gown and paper shoes.  He was wishing he had a thobe (traditional Qatari clothing).  To get a driver, we had to go to the front doors of the looked like a very fancy hotel....unreal...these people are dripping in money.  Never seen anything like it...sort of wished I had my camera with me, which poor Sergey did not find humorous in the least.

He took a hot shower, and is in bed.  Whatever was in that injection took the fever down right away.

Principal is bringing by some Ginger Ale for him in a bit...very kind people.

The hospital receptionist even taught me how to say thank you and the traditional Arab greeting.

I'm making light of his illness, but I've never seen him like this...I think he caught it from a little boy who rides our bus, and apparently another parent had to take their child to the hospital this afternoon.  I hope I got all of the necessary stamps and seals and paperwork to get reimbursed when I get my health card.  Never a dull moment....

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