Monday, September 10, 2012


I just realized that I never posted about medicals.  The men were done in 15 minutes, as there is a VIP line for men.  Not so for women.  We were moved from room to room, upstairs and down, like a row of ducklings whilst nurses shouted at us to SIT.  No standing was allowed if a seat was available.  When one person got up for their turn to get X-Ray or blood, or whatever, the rest of the ducklings had to move down a seat.  Otherwise, we were scolded to MOVE OVER.  It was quite amusing.  For the X-Ray, they had us stand in a most peculiar position, prisoner-like.  One elderly women couldn't do it properly, and she kept getting scolded...."no momma, shoulder's back, further;  momma head up;  momma deep breath."  Problem was that "momma" did not speak English.  Poor woman.  I was afraid I had failed as I had pneumonia as a child which can come up as a negative TB test on an X-ray if there is scarring on the lungs.  I passed though.  Blood draw was easy, and then they had the ducklings sitting in line for a "clinical" exam.  I didn't think we needed it, and after about 25 minutes, we called Saheer who said we did not and to come on out.  15 minutes for the men, 3 1/2 hours for the ladies.  Found out later that the clinical would have included gyno way jose in the public health center??? I don't think so.  Anyway, we laughed our way through most of the process.  We were told to wear white tee shirts, because anyone who didn't had to put on these nasty hospital gowns that didn't look as though they were cleaned often for the lung X-Ray.  Whew....glad I dodged that one.  If only cameras were allowed in these's too funny.  Some get aggravated, but what's the point? It is what it is.  All part of the adventure.

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