Thursday, September 27, 2012

this week...

Haven't posted in several days.  It's been a busy week with back to school night (where I had to give a presentation as opposed to sitting in the office handing out the occasional schedule).  We have decided on ACS-Doha for Sergey.  He starts Sunday.  They have 3 very established  campuses in England, and Keri even worked at one of them!  Small world...didn't even know that until yesterday.  He is very excited to finally be starting. 

Here's a link to the website if you want to see what it looks like:

It's the weekend again.  Yay!  The week was my first invite to a students' home for dinner.  I declined, after first consulting with Muslim staff on proper etiquette.  Apparently it's o.k. to go to family homes for dinner, but frankly, I was a bit afraid of what I might have to eat!!!  An offer for tea would be much safer.  I also dealt with my first seriously disturbed student her in Doha...3 parent meetings in one week, but in the end they are going to get her some help in the form of outside counseling. 

Today my friend Bernise and I are going to drive around.  She got a car, but is from London, so she didn't drive much there, in addition to it being on the opposite side of the road for her.  On Friday mornings, the streets are clear as everyone is at mosque or sleeping.  Later this afternoon when it opens we are going to go to the museum of Islamic Art. I.M.Pei designed the building.  It's incredible from the outside architecturally, as are many of the buildings here.

Anyway, I'm going to sleep a little longer---good ole Sophie woke me up for her 5 am walk. :-(
I'll post pics of the museum and hopefully I can get some of the roads signs as well.  Some are rather funny.

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