Thursday, September 20, 2012

What a day!

Today was quite a day.  The exciting news is that Sergey was accepted to 2 schools, and I'm fairly confident that we are going to go with ACS-Doha.  They have 3 campuses in England as well, for American students living there.  I believe it will be a good fit for him.  There were a lot of emails and phone calls, etc. which took up most of my day.

I had to teach 2 classes today...I'm not really digging this teaching thing, but it's only 4 classes/week.  It's challenging to make career and college information entertaining.  I've got some homework to do this weekend to try and come up with some games/interactive lessons.  I also need to phone the University of Belgrade in Serbia to find out their admissions requirements for a student.  As always, a school counselor wears a great many hats.  I created a sign for outside the office that's going to be professionally made, and completed one bulletin board, 3 more to go!  Fellow FPHS counselors, I also created a GRIP on something with did, on purpose, with real data, to demonstrate to the director how important accountability is for counselors.  (as much so as for teachers)  He loved it...the other counselors will hate it.  Oh well, I'm trying to make a good impression.

The craziest part of the day was went I went through the cafeteria to the primary school, which is where HR is located.  I kid you not, I was lost for over 30 minutes.  I've been told that once you go into the primary, you'll be lost for hours....not too far from the truth.  It's a maze that is apparently butterfly shaped, but I couldn't figure it out.  I ran over to HR and came back 45 minutes later!  Crazy.  I was sweating and winded and completely confused.  And none of the maintenance crew/cleaners speak good enough English to give directions.

It's Thursday!  Yea...our Friday.  Tomorrow, my fellow Grade 11/12 counselor invited us and another new family and 2 others with kids for swimming and BBQ.  That should be fun.  Saturday Sophie gets her hair cut...not so much fun.  Hopefully I'll post some pics of my new colleagues this weekend.
It's 8:30 and past my bedtime. :-)


  1. what? Where in the world are you?? Please fill me in!!! This is amazing!

  2. Oh Ya. Even Overseas you go to bed before the sun goes down FAIL!
