Thursday, October 18, 2012

Claire....this one is for you

Hopefully this will further crack you up.

I just got off the phone.  It's Thursday, end of week, and I'm exhausted, so I'm trying to order delivery.

1st conversation to Zain--the place with the strawberry juice "Hello, can I order a single burger instead of a double burger?"  "You want 2 double burger?" "NO, can I have only one burger not two." "You want one double burger and chicken burger. To drink?"  "NO, the singapore noodles vegetarian.?"  "One double burger, one chicken burger, one Sinagpore noodles with chicken.  To drink."  "What language do you speak?  Arabic or Urdu? "(because I was going to have a friend call) "Double burger, chicken burger, Singapore noodles with chicken.  Where you live?"  "Thanks anyway sir.  Bye bye."

2nd conversation to Papa John's.  Answered in Arabic.  "Salaam a le wei ku.  Can I place an order for delivery?" "Yes Mr. Jaime. What you want?" (my cell phone tells where I live somehow)  "Can I have a veggie pizza and chicken wings?"  "What kind of pizza?  Beef bacon?"  "No, veggie, only vegetables."  "Ok, what you want side?"  "Chicken wings"  "No have chicken wings."  "Why not?"  "Out of stock.  You want peperoni pizza?"  "No thanks.  Bye bye."

I've yet to made a 3rd call....I think I'll cook tonight instead. :-)

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