Monday, October 1, 2012


I finally have my Qatari Driver's License.   I took the test a while ago, but had to wait for my residency permit to be processed before I could pick it up.So....tomorrow, I get a car.  The rental car company is going to pick me up.  The only problem?  I'm going to have to figure out how to get home in rush hour traffic.  Fortunately, a friend is coming with me to look at the map.  No way I can look at the map, and manage the crazy round-abouts and  in general crazy drivers.  Should be interesting!  I really need a car though because Sergey starts soccer (aka futball) on Thursday, and his back to school night is tomorrow.  So far, 2 days of school in, he is loving it.  Kids are nice and friendly, teachers kind.  I hope that will continue.  It's great to see him smiling and happy and feeling like things have finally fallen into place.  I'll try to write tomorrow about my new car.  I actually prefer to rent a used one, but I think they only have new at the moment and all are the same price.  I had to really disruptive Grade 12 classes today and was not in a good mood, so when I called, I told the guy what I was going to pay, and not a penny more, so he should have cars at that price range ready for me to look at.  Sadly, one needs to be firm, bordering on rude to not get scammed.  I'm not great at that, but I'm learning....

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