Saturday, October 6, 2012

The 'road' to QAWS, and getting lost on the way home...

 Yep...this was the road.  The directions said to make a zillion turns, etc. and then turn into the gravel 'road.'  Said we should see camels on the right and a football pitch on the left. 

Camels on the right....

 It gets dark by 6 pm here, so we went to dinner in downtown Doha, and when I made 1 wrong turn, we were lost.  The traffic gets a bit ridiculous on Friday nights.  I was happy to see the spiral mosque straight ahead, so that gave me an idea of where I was. 
I tried to take photos of the amount of people on the streets and sitting in the grass, but was not having success.  Sergey got this one, but it's only a few people.  I was amazed by the sheer number of people out and about on a Friday night in Doha.  People everywhere.  Where this was taken it was mostly manual laborers, which is why it's all men.  The shops come to life, and the streets are alive.  It's very interesting.  The malls are apparently packed up until midnight, but I'll take others' word on that.  It's bad enough during the day when I have to go there for something.

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