Friday, August 31, 2012

Interesting morning...

OK, so Jody, I know you've had a few blunders thus far on your epic adventure....I think mine this morning takes the cake.  For this week,  today is the only day I have to sleep in.  (which, with a--or should I say-my--dog means past 6 am.)  Sophie woke me up at around 7 maybe, but I stayed up late and am exhausted from the week.  I drag myself out of bed  (thank you to whatever made me decide to sleep in jogging pants and a tee-shirt), put on her leash,  and down the stairs and out the door we went.  I was truly half asleep.  So, she did what she needed to do and we walked home, up the stairs and to our door.  I took off her leash, and let her in.  I head a scream, and a "bloody he-l" (plus a few other expletives).  I was confused when I heard the TV on, as surely Sergey hadn't woken up in just a few minutes.  So have you guessed??  Not our house!  Sophie thought we were having a visit and wouldn't come back to me, the man (thankfully a westerner) was in the comfort of his own home eating breakfast in his boxers whilst watching tele, and in we barge!!  I quickly scooped up Sophie and with many apologizes (which fell on deaf ears, understandably) got the heck out of there.

All of the apartment buildings look the same.  I live in #21-e, but went into #19-e in my sleepiness, and since no one locks their doors around here,  (Yes, mom and dad--I am an exception and do lock the door except when taking Sophie out), that's what happened.  Hope you've all had a good laugh...I'm going back to sleep and hoping I never run into that man! :-)

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