Friday, October 12, 2012

Friday night at the grocery store....

 I'm still trying to find a good time to go to the grocery store.  9 pm on Friday night is NOT it.'s been chaos every time I've been shopping actually.  You gotta love the tacky light adorning the store though.  Plus I paid a guy less than $4 to wash my car while I was shopping, and it was filthy from the sand/dirt.  You can't usually see it in the air, but it's definitely there, which means we are breathing it in.  I went to the doctor and asked about getting packets for my netty pot...oh my...let's just say she never heard of one, and gave me liquid saline solution.  It might work???

 My pictures don't do justice to the chaos in the parking lot.  There are security everywhere, so I have to take pictures in secret.
 Upstairs is a department store, a perfume  store, a watch store, and a couple of prayer rooms.  We needed a pump to blow up Sergey's soccer ball for football practice tomorrow.
 Downstairs is a bakery/coffee shop, Pizza Hut, a shoe store, another perfume store, and a chocolate store.  Then there is the actual grocery store.

 Apparently, Friday night is as good a time as any to do one's shopping....
 We haven't gotten our second Hep A shots yet, so I'm still a bit scared of fruits and vegetables...I wash them to ridiculous proportions prior to eating.

 Sergey needed a haircut, so we decided to go wild, and try the local barber.  It's men/boys only, so I had to stand outside and yell in regarding which numbers to use. of the barbers caught me taking pictures.  Next door, the red building is an awesome little shop that sells fresh fruit juice.  Strawberry juice is very big here, and it's my new favorite.  It's plain old strawberries blended and chilled.  Nothing added. 
These little hoodlums were something else.  They drove that thing like maniacs all through the parking lot, over curbs, on two wheels, crashed into some carts.  The were showing off when they saw I was watching them.  So I asked if I could take a picture, to which they said no problem.  I told them to be careful.  "Yes miss" they dutifully said, and then took off on two wheels (the two on the right side I mean).  Likely a 5th and 7th grader....probably go to my school.  I was going to ask, but decided I didn't want to know.  By this time, it was 10 pm. 

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